The Atomic Bomb Experience of Nickolay Palchikoff and Kaleria Palchikoff Drago

….August 2009 New York and Hiroshima….

This is the story of Nickolay Palchikoff, the first American to arrive in Hiroshima after the atomic bomb.

Nickolay Palchikoff was an American solider, who was born in Russia. In the 1920’s, his family was forced to flee Russia because of the Russian Revolution. They arrived on a boat in Hiroshima. His family called Hiroshima home.

At the age of 16, before the start of WW II, he attends school in the US, shortly after gets drafted into the US army as a translator.

3 weeks after the atomic bomb is dropped and Japan surrenders, he heads to Hiroshima to search for his family. He is the first American to arrive in Hiroshima.

He finds a lifeless city. No buildings, no trees, not many Survivors, scorched earth, a burnt out city. Miraculously he does find his family.

This is the story of his sister, Kaleria Palchikoff Drago, Survivor of the atomic bomb. There is also a 2 minute audio from a US army interview done a month after the atomic bomb fell.

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